Unlock Profile

Ritwick Bhattacharyya


  , ,

Teaching Subjects - Economics, English, entrepreneurship,

Teaching Class - Std. 6th-8th, Std. 9th-10th, Std. 11th-12th,

Teaching Degree - B.Ed,

Exp - Less than 1 year ,   Salary - 600,000 per year

Principal at Gurukul

Master/Post Graduation,


Work experience in Detail



March 2019 to Present

Working as principal and looking after administration, academics, and others.

Education in Detail

Master/Post Graduation

MA - Economics

Nalanda open university

2012 ( Coresspondence/Distance learning )

Teacher Degree

Total Work Experience

Less than 1 year

Summary skill

Ms office(Ms excel, Ms word & power point), ERP(oddo), Ecommerce site channel management ( 5 Years )