Unlock Profile

Arjaman Akhtar


  Alam ganj, Patna, Bihar

Teaching Subjects - Political Science, Management, History, Hindi, Geography, General Studies ( GS ), General Knowledge ( GK), Environmental Science, English, Economics, Civics,

Teaching Class - Std. 9th-10th, Std. 6th-8th,

Exp - 9 Years ,   Salary - 400,000 per year

Master/Post Graduation,


Seeking position at a renowned learning oriented institution were I exploring my working skills gets appreciated and upgrading myself with new skills should be a perk. Seeking for such kind of schools that believes in developing new learning curriculum for the students.

Work experience in Detail

Education in Detail


CBSE - English



Other - English



BSc - Physics

North East Frontier Technical university

2019 ( Full Time )

Master/Post Graduation

MSc - Physics

Mewar University

2022 ( Full Time )

Teacher Degree

Total Work Experience

9+ Years

Summary skill

| Leadership, team orientation, problem solving, administration, communication, critical thinking skill, teachers training,Management, ms- office, ms-excel ( 6 Years )