Unlock Profile

Jahir Hussain

(English Teacher)

  Villupuram, Viluppuram, Tamil Nadu

Teaching Subjects - History, Management, Social - Science,

Teaching Class - Std. 6th-8th, Std. 9th-10th, Std. 11th-12th,

Teaching Degree - B.Ed,

Exp - 5 Years ,   Salary - 25,000 per month

English Teacher at SIGA MANAGEMENT

Master/Post Graduation,


. Years of experience. Skill set and relevant professional experience. Commitment to the company. Awards, training, and certifications relevant to the role. Value you can add through the new role.

Work experience in Detail

English Teacher


July 2019 to Present

Education in Detail


Bachelor of Education - English

Pondycherry University

2019 ( Full Time )

Master/Post Graduation

MA - English

Thiruvallur University

2023 ( Full Time )

Teacher Degree

Total Work Experience

5+ Years

Summary skill