Unlock Profile

Juyeli Bagchi

(Accounts Teacher)

  Kolkata, Kollkata, West Bengal

Teaching Subjects - Accounts, Commerce, Economics, English Grammar,

Teaching Class - Up to Std.5th, Std. 6th-8th, Std. 9th-10th, Std. 11th-12th,

Teaching Degree - B.Ed,

Exp - Less than 1 year ,   Salary - 240,000 per year

Master/Post Graduation,


Want to glorify my future with students providing knowledge whatever I know

Work experience in Detail

Education in Detail

Master/Post Graduation

M.Com - Commerce

Calcutta University

2016 ( Full Time )

Teacher Degree

Total Work Experience

Less than 1 year

Summary skill

Microsoft office. Microsoft Excel. Tally ( 4 Years )